About this journal

Aims and Scope. History of the journal

The main goal of the journal is publishing new results of research in real, complex, and functional analysis and applications. We give preference to articles that present new methods (or modify the existing ones) and contain new scientific ideas able to significantly contribute to the theory of mappings. Open access to all articles allows Russian and foreign mathematicians to present results of their research in analysis and applications to readers of the journal. This, in turn, helps to develop  the mathematical sciences in the world.

The Journal “Problemy Analiza - Issues of Analysis” follows up the journal “Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. Mathematics” (“Trudy Petrozavodskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Matematika”), which was published from 1993 untill 2011.

In 2018 the journal became tri-annual:

No 1 - February, 28

No 2 - June, 15

No 3 - November, 15 

The journal publishes papers only in English. Submitted paper are passing through an antiplagiat checking program.

Publication is free of charge.


 The journal is included in Scopus (since 2016) and  Web of Science Core Collection (ESCI(since 2015, included in the JCR quartile Q3). 


After a preview of the manuscript by members of the Editorial Board the manuscript is sent for a double peer review;  one reviewer is from Russia,  the other is from abroad. In case of different opinions the article is sent to a third reviewer. Only the leading specialists in the area of the manuscript are invited as reviewers. The Journal uses single blind peer review model: the reviewer knows the author’s name, but the author doesn’t know who the reviewer is. The experts' decision is  sent to the authors. In case of the positive decision authors are asked to present improved manuscripts with the reviewers’ remarks taken into account.

Copyright and Licensing

The published papers are available in open access on the web-site issuesofanalysis.petrsu.ru.


Creative Commons License
The Journal "Problemy Analiza - Issues of Analysis" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Users can read, download, copy, distribute the open access content of the journal, use this in presentations, in a new research work and publications without any preliminary permission of the Editor. Using the journal content users must acknowledge the journal. Users may not use the material for commercial purposes. 


Every article published in the journal has its own Copyright Agreement, where standarts of copyright transfer are stated. It is sent to authors after the peer-review.

   Associated with the International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation (ISAAC)

The journal is issued by Unipress under finansial support of Petrozavodsk State University